
Programs & Activities

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KKSS Halal Bihalal

It is with great pleasure that KKSS (Bugis Makassar Diaspora Network – Canada) joined venture with Syiar Montreal and Sister Sabria Foundation Montreal to celebrate the completion of Ramadan 1444H/ 2023 in a cheerful and family loving activities. Such an event aimed at strengthening friendship and brotherhood among Indonesian diaspora community and increases unity and integrity among Indonesian families in Canada. Much to be proud of this event, it was attended by the Ambassador of Indonesia in Canada Bapak Daniel Simanjuntak and wife Tricia Simanjuntak, representatives of Indonesian religious groups from Catholics and Christians, and other leaders of Indonesian diaspora community groups in Montreal.

The event took place at Sister Sabria Foundation building, where Sister Sabria herself when delivered her speech said she has Bugis blood from her father side’s ancestor. In her speech she said her great great great grand father was named Daeng Kamase who left Bugis homeland ran to Malaysia to avoid Dutch prosecution for his patriotic activities against Dutch colonization. In Malaysia, then he changed his name and started over a new life until the time of sister Sabria.

The Ambassador of Indonesia himself proud of and grateful for the kind of event that unites Indonesia diaspora groups. “This is a “guyub” that we want all Indonesians overseas to create”, said the Ambassador.