Is a residence Imam in the mosque of South Nepean Muslim Community (SNMC), Ottawa. He is a dynamic promoter and motivator of interfaith relations in Canada. He was born in Bosnia, where he received his formal training as an Imam. He received his BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies and Arabic Language from the International Islamic University of Islamabad, Pakistan. He holds a Master’s degree from the University of Oregon, Faculty of Education, Eugene OR, the United States of America and a Doctorate from Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Education, Vancouver BC, Canada.
Dr. Delic brought joy to IRSHAD Global for his leadership on a program of Global Imam in the Modern Context. The program helps Islamic scholars in developing countries to gain knowledge on text of Islamic rulings (fiqh), as well as preparedness to immerse in the modern world. The need that has never been greater to explore. The concepts of Muslim identity, integration, citizenship, belonging and loyalty, in the here and now. Dr. Delic’s book Islam in the West: Beyond Integration presents a vibrant discussion on the most debated issues regarding Canadian Muslims and their faith—Islam in modern Canada.
The book examines some of these issues in detail, raising questions for both Canadian Muslims and the wider Canadian society, and offers substantial material for an open and democratic discourse.
In 2008 Dr. Delic was honored for a decade of continuous volunteer service by the Province of Ontario and in both 2009 and 2010 he was included in the prestigious publication, “The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World,” edited by John Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin, Islamic Studies scholars at Georgetown University in Washington, DC.